Monday, April 18, 2011

The Weekend in 5 Pictures

It was the first nice Sunday in a while in NYC (Saturday it rained)- finally warm enough to venture outside without a jacket.

We strolled to Unleashed to pick up this new toy for the pups- it is a hedgehog that makes a sort of honking sound. 9Of course despite trying our hardest not to let the dogs play with him unsupervised, he is now "Nose-less Hedgie" the Hedgehog.

And we took Bruno to the dog park (Winnie isn't supposed to be getting too much exercise due to her ACL tear so we left her home with her new toy.)

Bruno had a fantastic time fetching his ball (and slept the rest of the day)-- Of course the second we got there, 4 little dogs and their owners immediately evacuated so we had the place to ourselves. Unfortunately, Bruno barks at strangers so he is not the best dog to bring to the dog run- but he deserves a little fun outdoors too so when the run it empty we take advantage of it. He also loves playing with other dogs so we are going to try a couple more times to see if we can slowly ease him into being around strangers.

We also took him over to the fountains- he hasn't seen them yet since they had already been turned off when we got him in November- he didn't seem to want to swim in it like Winnie did last summer but instead sat regally enjoying the breeze off the river.

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